The Bloggorhood

No writing today. It’s a beautiful Fall-like day outside and I am in the mood for taking a walk through the neighborhood. Not my neighborhood outside the front door, but my neighborhood in cyberspace.

Cup of fresh, hot coffee on my desk, fluffy slippers on my feet and I am ready to go! So, don’t be disturbed if you hear someone on your cyber front porch, it’s only me, stopping by to say ‘hello.’



6 responses to “The Bloggorhood

  1. I am virtually sipping with you on this crisp fall-like day. Happy weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m in bed, hopped up on a cocktail of drugs, doing the same thing….just tripping through the fall weather and reading all of you great people’s blogs. Sometime’s life just has a way of slowing me down whether I want to or not. Happy Saturday!


  3. This was so cute ! Thanks for passing by my porch on the way, Will love to have you again 😀
    With Love,
    Zee ❤


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