Get, Gat, Got… Outta Here!

Recently, I have acquired a pet peeve for the word ‘get’ and its close relatives, ‘gat’, ‘got’ and ‘gotten’.

Wait a minute, ‘gat’? I just threw ‘gat’ in there jokingly, but after a little research, discovered that ‘gat’ is an archaic form of the past tense of ‘get’. Ok, “I gat it now!”

Seriously, ‘get’ is such a generic word, replacing a diverse selection of real, descriptive words! I care not to count how many times in a single day I hear, “I gotta go…,” which is a worse infraction than using the word ‘got’ alone, because it’s been contracted and incorrect in its tense! Why not say, “I have to go…,” or, “I must go…” Yes, ‘gotta’ has to go… far, far away!

GetGatGotBut back to ‘get’ and ‘got’, I’m not paying any attention to ‘gat’ because I cannot remember a time when I had ever heard anyone use that word, probably because it is an archaic form and unless I run into someone time travelling from the Victorian ages, I will not hear it. However, I think ‘get’, in informal speech, as in, “Get out of here!” is acceptable because it is being used as an informal command, or, “I get it, I get it,” although the nuns in the Catholic school where I learned the basics and beyond of proper grammar, would likely disagree with me.

So why do I find this bothersome? Because it is a sign of the time, a time when our very language is shriveling and being replaced with lazy, one-size-fits-all verbs and a whole new world composed of acronyms is creating a separate language not confined to “texters”.

I for one am boycotting the ‘get’ family by paying closer attention to my every day vocabulary and playing vocabulary games, one of which I really enjoy can be found at and it is free!

How you feed and maintain your language center?
moonshine (3)

11 responses to “Get, Gat, Got… Outta Here!

  1. Listen. I gotta tellya. Language is a living thing. You ain’t gonna find “gat” unless you go back to maybe Elizabethan days. Like, uh, Shakespeare. Or as they said back then, Shaxpur. Language changes. We may not be comfortable with it, but if it didn’t, we’d still be speaking Westphalian Saxon or mebbe Chaucerian sorta-English. Ya’ gotta move with the time, my dear. With the times 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oops. Fergot to foller the thread …

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I shoulda said I love this post. I love stuff about language, grammar, and usage. I once had a knock-down, drag-out, screaming, shrieking battle with a bunch of other editorial types about using a semi-colon instead of a comma on bulleted lists. Word nerds are my PEEPS.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. So, dare I ask who won the debate about the semi-colon on a bulleted list?


  5. I “get” your point, but as much of a grammar nerd as I am, I also understand that the language does in fact evolve. Elizabethans or even Victorians would have as much trouble understanding us as we would them. Doesn’t make me less inclined to correct grammar, though… 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  6. There are certain words and phrases that irk me for their laziness and lack of thought. ‘Get’ is definitely one of them, but I’ve noticed it’s more of an American English crutch, so, thankfully, I don’t have to bear it as much as you probably do! Stay strong…


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