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Daily Post: Trick or Trick
It’s Halloween, and you just ran out of candy. If the neighborhood kids (or anyone else, really) were to truly scare you, what trick would they have to subject you to?

Halloween 00001

© Swoosieque

Scare me? Not possible. My home is the scariest in the neighborhood. My “man” sits on a chair with a talking skeleton upon his lap and they welcome the little darlings with varied messages, “Hey, I’m thirsty, can you get me a glass of water, please?” Or, “Hehehe, nice costume, what are YOU supposed to be?”

There are ghosts blowing in the wind which magically hang around my front patio and do not fly away. Another talking skeleton stands right next to the doorbell, daring the little ones to go ahead, ring it.

Cobwebs sprinkled with black widow spiders drape the corner where the man sits, lighted jack-o-lanterns and hanging scarecrow lights lend an eerie glow to the darkened entryway. Squeaking sounds and ghostly music float through the air. Even the older kids pause before walking upon the porch step, uncertain of who or what is sitting in that corner chair. No one walks up to the door alone, never, ever. Even parents who accompany their children have wondered whether or not the figure was actually someone in costume, ready to pounce and scare.


© Nightmare Factory

Truth is, the man in the corner is my own creation. My own Frankenstein monster sans life. I stuff remnants from an old comforter into a pair of my husband’s old jeans, bend and shape them to fit the chair then likewise stuff an old t-shirt topped off with a long-sleeved shirt. I stuff and pin an old pair of work gloves to the shirt cuffs and place a pair of boots beneath each pant leg. The frosting on the cake, er, um, the topping on the outfit is the magnificently realistic head from the Nightmare Factory. I have used this decapitated creation in varying displays at Halloween and never, ever, have I been the one “tricked” or “scared.”


14 responses to “Heads Up!

  1. Me plus any kind of spider would do it. EEK. Or Garry and any kind of snake. Aaaargh! We’re so easy.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your place rocks! You must be scaring the Dickens out of many little goblins this time of year – good for you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That picture is awesome and a little scary!! Happy Halloween!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What’s creepy, is that the “man” on your porch bears an uncanny resemblance to my own Evil X, but he was a “living” (in the biological if not moral sense) breathing person. He’s probably my worst fear.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh, this is so cute. I’m glad you are having FUN. Love, Amy


  6. Awh What an awesome Halloween post Swoosie !!! What a fantastic creation of that man ! Happy Halloween. I know you had a great one 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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