CBD for DDD? Let’s See…

Twenty plus years ago, I was in a very bad car wreck where an inattentive woman, driving a huge pickup truck, plowed into my little Honda Accord as I was at a standstill, waiting to turn left.

2015_0308_96_CarWreck004Forensics determined that I was hit full-force at 40 mph. My vehicle was totaled. I was unconscious, head hanging over the steering wheel. I awoke some time later with excruciating pain in my back.

Disoriented, I turned to view my surroundings and saw the back windshield “blown out”. With the pain in my back, I thought I had been shot.

Fast forward… Medical tests showed nothing was broken, but I had spinal issues, a cervical (neck) without curvature, degenerative disc disease, stenosis, sclerosis, bulging discs, etc..

To manage pain and speed up recovery, I followed the doctor’s orders to attend physical therapy, take muscle relaxers, 800mg x 4 of Ibuprofen/day, and see a chiropractor. I was determined that I would live my life as if none of this had happened – to be thankful that I was not paralyzed and my body could still move and perform physical chores out and indoors.

That attitude served me pretty well over the years, but now, as I am approaching the golden age of qualifying for Medicare, I am frequently in excruciating pain after doing heavy chores. Trimming trees, sledge-hammering old tree stumps, scraping the popcorn off of the living room ceiling, all are becoming more and more impossible to achieve. For instance, the last physical chore I performed was trimming bushes, running the weed eater and chopping up tree roots. That was a week ago.  Afterward, the pain in my neck was debilitating. I sat for days with ice on my neck and fell asleep in my recliner from boredom.

My concerned husband surprised me one afternoon with a bottle of CBD oil. I was ecstatic with hopeful joy of finding relief in that little bottle. However, to my dismay, I felt absolutely no relief and sank into despair once again. Until… speaking with a friend, she told me of her back issues and showed me her bottle of CBD capsules which she acquired from the local pharmacy. She gave me two to try.

I’m not promoting drug trafficking or taking any medication that is not prescribed to oneself, but, being that this was a trusted friend, I hurried home where I took the first of the two pills. Within two hours, I began to feel relief. At bedtime, I took the second pill.

Upon awakening this morning, I felt a world of difference! I actually slept all night without constant tossing and turning from pain to try to find a position which would accommodate my neck/thoracic problem. I will be driving to the pharmacy to purchase my own bottle of CBD capsules – 5.0mg, 60 capsules for $75.

Some people swear that they have found relief from CBD oil, and I am glad for them. However, without standardization, there is no proof of how much CBD is actually in the oil, nor the remaining level of THC, the latter of which could cost someone their livelihood, such as a CDL driver who undergoes random drug testing.

CBD_oil_AnalysisThe CBD oil store where my husband purchased the liquid form, gave him a “test certificate” displaying the breakdown of the product’s components. I am skeptical of this “certificate”. Anyone with a little bit of savvy could create such a document. I have blacked out any of the company’s information to protect their privacy. My point being though, how does one know what they are truly buying?

Remember when Vaping was the big thing? Little mom and pop shops were sprouting up all over, until going out of business because they could not compete with the bigger shops, or, their products were no good or overpriced. Well, that seems to be the case now with CBD oil shops. They are popping up all over, and the same destiny awaits some of them as product quality and price wars weed them out.

Personally, I am more confident purchasing the product from a pharmacy, or directly from a doctor’s office than from a CBD oil store. I feel that the pharmacy will do its due diligence in researching product quality.


12 responses to “CBD for DDD? Let’s See…

  1. Thanks for sharing this! I’ve been seriously considering CBD oil for my arthritis and lingering pain after a knee injury. I will look for the tablets!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you Debi. It’s been a long time since either of us have written on our blogs, glad to see you are still around!

    I’m still researching CBD oil products available locally. After taking these capsules for two days, I read the ingredients – 50% of the product is 500mg of curcumin! And, as we all know, curcumin is a natural anti-inflammatory. SO… now I’m wondering if the curcumin is helping with my pain or the hemp crystals.

    When I was at the pharmacy, one of the pharmacists suggested I purchase the 1,000 mg CBD oil instead of the capsules, she said that the oil worked better. I told her that I would stick with the capsules because the two I took the day before seemed to help. I did not ask what the cost of the 1,000 mg CBD oil was for 1 oz.

    So, basically, I’m pretty much back at square one, but determined to find a pure, affordable CBD oil from a trusted manufacturer.

    Hope all is well with you! It is so good to hear from you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Great post! I’ve found moments of moderate relief for my DDD, stenosis, migraines, arachnoiditis, etc., with CBD “flower” like ACDC & Cannatonic from a dispensary in AZ, but have limited relief from oils. Best of luck in finding something that helps. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. A friend of mine uses these tablets too, she also had a back injury and could hardly walk! She has been sleeping much better whilst taking it.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Only recently have I come in contact with the natural ‘drugs’ so many are taking now. So far what I have started seem to be helpful for energy and pain control.

    Liked by 1 person

    • That is good news! I hope your success continues! A cousin of mine recommended this site: https://www.thecbdistillery.com/

      She uses the capsules and says they work really well for her. I’m not sure what my next course of action will be. I’ve finished the capsules, and oil and feel no “real” improvement. Funny thing is, one of my daughters-in-law told me I should just find the “real” stuff and smoke it! Hahaha! ;0


  5. I had never heard of CBD until your post. Looked it up and had a quick read. A lot of the less severe issues it helps with might, just might be achieved with ginger too (my 2 cents). I think for me I would stick to old ginger / aged ginger. Pound it. Boil it. Drink the juice as it is or sweetened with honey. I try to take it 5 days a week, breaking on weekends to give my body a break.

    That said, if CBD helps you, stick with it. I can only imagine your pain, so go on and take what you need to as long as it doesn’t hurt elsewhere. Will pray for you tonight.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. as a long time “pot head” I admire the new knowledge we have access to that shows new uses for the “illegal” drug I have “abused” for 40 yrs. As a sufferer of chronic back pain I like reading you have found some relief ,, if not without some uncertainty ,, best wishes.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. There is a new film out, just released on iTunes in 2019 called “Weed the People.” It’s a documentary about cannabis and cannabinoids and their effect on cancer and pain from cancer. Produced by Rikki Lake, the film focuses on children with cancer in the United States. All but one of these children, including one infant, were cured by way of either the CBD/ THC oils a few in conjunction with chemotherapy, they were given by two women: one who used it to treat her own critical disease; and, one a former physician, who left the medical profession. They both now treat with and are advocates for medical cannabis. Examples given included two preteen boys who had been riddled with cancer and pain – both were given large doses of opioids and other hard pain medications. I can’t judge the parents nor should anyone else because it seems that the pharmaceutical industry and the US government have snuffed out clinical trials and results of studies on cancer patients. The loss of 4-6 billion in revenue are at stake. High stakes on the lives of cancer patients when the rest of the world seems to have figured it out.

    Watch the film. It’s worth 90 minutes, but I warn you that you may find yourselves angry as I am. But there are ways to work with people who are not in the dispensary business but the healing business, I’m on the hunt for one now. I’ll write up a blog piece with my findings but meanwhile don’t hesitate. You can’t overdose as with prescription pain medication, nor can you get addicted. The side effects of any only last a short time, so you’ve nothing to lose but your pain. And perhaps your cancer.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for your comment and information. I will be sure to watch the “Weed the People” documentary.

      Personally, in my area/location, I do not feel that the local CBD oil stores carry quality products, which tells me that I need to network more, locally, to find a good source.

      Thanks for stopping by, looking forward to reading through your blog, it looks very interesting.

      Liked by 1 person

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