Johns Hopkins, Cancer – Bad Luck

Here is an interesting study from Johns Hopkins regarding cancer and its “causes.”

Johns Hopkins – Bad Luck of Random Mutations


9 responses to “Johns Hopkins, Cancer – Bad Luck

  1. It’s all so depressing. I try not to think about it because in the end, LIFE causes cancer.

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  2. Another recent study from Leeds University and MD Anderson has found cancer can be caused solely by protein imbalances within cells, a study of ovarian cancer has found. This is a non-genetic cause, an aberration within cells themselves causing division and possibly metastasis. Although the study was done on ovarian cancer which had previously been cited as one of the “bad luck” cancers, it has implications for many types of cancers, and can signal whether someone with the imbalance is likely to respond to chemotherapy and whether a tumour is likely to spread to other sites. And of course can open the possibility of new therapies aimed at measuring and preventing dangerous imbalances in cells.

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    • So, I wonder if this applies to cancers which tend to be “genetic” in nature, i.e., my son recently died from pancreatic cancer. If it is a genetic disorder, it seems to have skipped two generations.

      In my case with breast cancer, it has been rampant within both, paternal and maternal relatives.

      Thank you so much for commenting and sharing the study from Leeds. Now I want to read the whole report. Thanks again!


      • In Ashkenazi Jewish families, pancreatic and breast cancer seem to be somehow linked. My maternal grandparents (both) and my brother died of pancreatic. My mother (eventually) died of breast cancer and I’ve had it twice. I don’t know about other bloodlines, though.

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        • There is a gene study through Myriad where all breast cancer is studied, as well as other cancers. They have diagrammed how various cancers intersect/share certain genes. I thought I put a link up here somewhere, or uploaded the pdf. I’ll have to check.

          I never knew that about the Ashkenazi Jewish families. Heck, for all I know, my family history may date back to Jewish roots too!


          • One grandparent is enough to give you that gene. I don’t have the one Medicare would pay to test for. A test exists for the other one, but it cost a few thousand dollars I don’t have. I’ve been told they know of at least half a dozen other markers for high risk (in Jewish women), but have not developed ways to test for them yet. It’s all coming. Whether or not it will help find a cure, I don’t know, but it certainly will enable a lot better screening. After Ashkenazi Jewish women, the next highest at risk group for breast cancer are young Black women. But as we all know, it can show up in anyone, male or female, whether or not you fall into one of the high risk groups.

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            • Yes, there is still so much which science needs to learn. I’m going to my oncologist on Aug. 4th for my overdue checkup and am bringing a list of questions for her (especially since my son’s death) I want to have that gene test done (if insurance will cover it) for the sake of my other children. We’ll see..


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