Time Out


© Google Search

I have been so productive since pulling myself away from the computer, blogging and social networking. Dusty and forgotten projects have once again gained my attention and I feel wonderful for the progress I am making with them!

When the NaBloPoMo challenge presented itself this November, I excitedly joined, participated and completed the challenge. It was not as much fun as I thought it would be, although I am happy for the new friends I found. My lack of “fun” had nothing to do with the whole NaBloPoMo event, rather, it was due to a month full of numerous medical appointments and procedures.

It was also during that month of November when the Daily Post exhibited major problems with links on their Daily Post Prompt pages. Although discussions began on their customer service forum, the thread was quickly closed and barred for user’s future comments. I think things improved a bit, but, in my case, my link was never grabbed by the Daily Post Page and I thought, “Why bother? I have better things to do.”

Besides, I  have enough ideas and stories and topics of which I can write. I don’t need an “assignment” which is what many of their prompts felt like and I could not write with feeling and conviction. I wrote just to write and then I stopped and wrote a few blah posts about being sick and then about awards and that’s been it and it’s been great!


© Google Search

I realized how sedentary I have become with all the time I sat, staring at the computer screen, pretty much all day long. I need to lose weight, I need to “use” my body before my muscles begin to atrophy.

I declare that I have broken my addiction to daily blogging, especially at this upcoming holiday season when there is so much to be done around the home. I’m hoping to curb this addiction to just once a week. And today is that “once a week” for this week. :::Sigh:::


17 responses to “Time Out

    • I’m a blogging addict. See, I’m back already! So now I’m thinking that it’s ok if I don’t spend/waste time writing about things which do not interest me, but, I can visit my blogging friends every evening. That’s a good compromise. Gheez, it’s only day one and here I am compromising. 😉

      P.S. How did your injection work out for you?


      • Don’t laugh. I felt too crappy to go to the doctor. We’ve both had head colds and I had barely slept that night. I woke up feeling horrible and told Garry I was too sick to go to the doctor. I remade the appointment for Jan. 2. Ironic.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I can follow that logic, meaning that I have done the same thing in the past, made an appointment but “not for today, I’m too sick to go anywhere…”


          • There something deeply ironic about being too sick to go to the doctor. It makes more sense if you realize it’s an hour’s drive — I had to get an xray first at the hospital, THEN go to the doctor’s office, THEN to another lab for the shots. It was a lot if I was feeling okay, but much too much for a day when I felt so “off.”


  1. Blogging every day can take up a lot of time. I blog twice a week and it is also time consuming when you consider the amount of time it takes to respond to comments and interact on social media. However, I believe that you will find your groove and the topics to write about will just flow from you. Hope your December is off to a great start!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Missed you! But I agree it can be time consuming!


  3. I totally hear you on this one….at the beginning of my diagnosis I was blogging almost every day. I was doing it because I had so many family members spread across the country and they all wanted updates. The blog became of my way of keeping my family updated without having to talk to each one on the phone which was too overwhelming. I am ecstatic to say that I now only blog occasionally… at first it seemed like a huge hole in my life, but as I have tried to get back to the land of the living I find that it is all OK….

    I still enjoy sitting in the evening to read other blogs.

    As for blogging things like the assignments you were speaking about…if it feels like work..don’t do it. Blog what is in your heart


  4. The computer is such a time suck! I totally feel you. I was just thinking the other day that I was probably so much happier before I had all this information at my fingertips 24/7. I go on to look up one thing and get drawn down all these side alleys. Before you know it, two hours have gone by and I never even looked up the original thing! I’m really tempted to “unplug” for at least a few days. What did people used to do…….

    Liked by 1 person

    • I absolutely agree with you! I actually wondered how I found information back in the dark ages, like when I was 30 yrs. old. I think it was from the library, magazines, newspapers and talking with others.

      I’m trying to just visit at night for a few minutes. But, you are so right, when I get on line to look for something, I get sidetracked immediately and sometimes even forget the original reason I got online! 😀


  5. I can’t even blog once a week much less any more frequently..

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I just wanted to point out, you look a little smaller and furrier than I imagined… glad you are healing well. 🙂


  7. Hi again – I am just reading this now and wanted to leave a comment cos I took a “fasting break” from blogging last summer – partly for my vacation – but also to just really ponder and examine how I approached it. I did come back to the blogosphere in the fall, and with 3 three things I incorporated (which you likely already know…)
    but first, I realized I didi not want to be a “post every day” blogger – not my preference. I also realized that I did “not” have to visit other blogs all the time – or that I “could” visit and not click like and not even leave a comment. That was so freeing.
    I realized that we just have different seasons where blogging meets different needs – and we have to be true to where we are. like you noted here – you just wanted some more “non-computer” time… or how the prompt was feeling like an assignment….
    and sometimes I wish I could do the disciplined once a week approach – or have a common theme for my blog – but the variety and spontaneity are the two things that meet an artistic need for me and so as I grew into a maturing blogger (lol)

    Liked by 1 person

    • You explained my feelings so well! And I am actually thankful that the Daily Post was not working for my posts because that is what made me analyze what and why I was writing.

      I thought I would post at least once a week, but, I realized that if I had nothing to say, or needed to record an event, then I had no obligation to write anything.

      Now, with my efforts to lose weight, I will be recording my meals and activities at Fitness Pal, but even there, if I don’t write everything down everyday, that’s ok, I keep a hand-written food and exercise journal and can post it when I have time. I really like that site because it counts calories and I can really see where I’m making progress or mistakes.

      Yesterday, I needed to “up” my protein intake, so I made a hard boiled egg. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • HOW COOL – and not feeling obligated is the best thing – 🙂
        I am going to check that Fitness Pal later (sounds good) – 🙂
        and eggs rock – oh my gosh – they rescued me this year!! and I will eat them for the rest of my life.


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